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Video: This ‘Pig’ Is Celebrating Chinese New Year by Asking People to Go Vegan

As celebrations begin for the Year of the Pig, a “pig” took to the streets of Chinatown to remind people to keep pigs off their plates.

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Emirates Airline Serves Over 20,000 Vegan Meals in January

The company has seen requests for plant-based meals increase by 40 percent in just the last month!

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Happy Year of the Pig! Here’s 11 Reasons Why Pigs are Awesome

Let’s celebrate the Year of the Pig! DYK? Pigs are fascinating animals who have great memories, can use tools, and can even save lives.

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‘Game of Thrones’ Star Jerome Flynn: Reject Cruelty, Go Vegan

“Game of Thrones” actor Jerome Flynn discusses the horrors endured by animals slaughtered for food and urges everyone to go vegan.

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Over 340 Fashion Retailers Around the World Are Banning Mohair After Seeing PETA’s Investigation

After watching PETA’s video exposé of the mohair industry in South Africa, you won’t be surprised that top fashion retailers are now ditching the material.

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Dead Whale Had Swallowed Plastic Bottles, Bags, Shoes, 115 Cups

The whale had also ingested more than 7 pounds of plastic string, which may have been discarded fishing equipment.

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Another Fashion Victory! Chanel Bans Fur and Exotic Skins

Chanel is the first big-name fashion brand to ban fur as well as the skins of exotic animals. Learn more about this vegan fashion milestone victory!

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A Win for Animals! China Reinstates Ban on Rhino Horn and Tiger Bone

PETA and animal advocates around the world will continue working to ensure that rhinoceroses and tigers are not killed for unproven ancient remedies.

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Victory! Japan’s Largest Candymaker Ends Experiments on Animals

In these tests, mice and rats were force-fed, injected with chemicals, made to stand on hot plates, killed by neck breaking, and dissected.

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Elephant Polo Tournament Is History After PETA’s Investigation Finds Cruelty

PETA’s exposé revealed that elephants are abused in training as well as repeatedly beaten and gouged with sharp, metal-tipped bullhooks during the polo “game.”

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