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Meet The First Recipient of PETA Asia’s Outstanding Activist Award

Meet the first recipient of PETA Asia’s Outstanding Activist Award. This new award is given to activists who have shown great dedication to helping animals.

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Progress! Cambodia’s Biggest Attraction, Angkor Wat, Set to End Elephant Rides

Three years after Sambo the elephant dropped dead after being forced to ferry tourists at Angkor Wat in Cambodia, temple officials agree to end elephant rides.

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New Cosmetics Testing Regs in China Could Spare Thousands of Animals

PETA exposed them. Now, new regulations drafted by the Chinese government represent a huge step forward in banning senseless, cruel animal tests for cosmetics.

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Victory! Prada Is Going #FurFree

After more than a decade of PETA action, including runway takeovers and headline-grabbing demonstrations, Prada bans fur.

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Outraged by the ‘Live Puppy Claw Machine’? Here’s What You Can Do.

A video making its way around Twitter purports to show live puppies trapped in a claw machine arcade game.

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Update: Baby Elephant’s Legs Snap During Trick

Sickening footage exposes that workers at a zoo beat elephants with bullhooks to force them to “dance” and perform other meaningless tricks for visitors.

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Vlogger Who Tried to Eat Live Octopus Receives Instant Karma

The callous vlogger has claimed that she doesn’t know why she’s not more popular. No one wants to watch someone torment and eat animals for “likes”.

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Three Quotes That Prove Tim Burton’s ‘Dumbo’ Is Worth the Tears

Now that Disney’s live-action Dumbo has arrived in theaters, we’re sure there won’t be a dry eye in the house by the time the credits roll.

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‘Game of Thrones’ Star Jerome Flynn Warns Direwolf Trend Is Hurting Huskies

Huskies are being surrendered to shelters more than ever because of direwolves in “Game of Thrones.” Actor Jerome Flynn has a message about this.

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Don’t Support the Capture of Birds for Thai New Year Celebrations

If you visit Southeast Asia’s temples, please don’t support captive-bird vendors.

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