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The Latest Scoop on the Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity

The nominees haven’t been posted long, but Hong Kong singer-songwriter Khalil Fong and queen of pop Faye Wong have taken the lead over other Asian contenders in PETA Asia’s …

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The Joys of Adopting an Older Animal

A year and a half ago, my family and I adopted Jock, an older beagle, from a local animal shelter. Until then, we were mostly a cat family, but …

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Reasons Why I’m Vegan

When people learn that I’m vegan, the first thing they say after ”What?!” is “Why?!” Here’s the top ten reasons why I don’t eat meat, eggs, or dairy products: …

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Sandra Seifert Saves the Planet

Following the lead of fellow model Cara G, sultry Sandra Seifert bared all in honor of Earth Day at this provocative PETA photo shoot: The ad, which was shot …

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Cara G says, ‘Save the Planet—Go Vegetarian’

Supermodel Cara G stars in a new advertisement for PETA urging viewers to “go vegetarian” and “save the planet.” The ad is being released for Earth Day in order …

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Tianjin to Build China’s Largest Horse Prison

“It’s hard to justify how many horses we go through. In humans you never see someone snap their leg off running in the Olympics. But you see it in …

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The Intern Experience: Wenjin Gong

I still remember the day in January when I was applying for an intern position at PETA Asia. Just two months afterward, I’m sitting in the office of PETA …

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Dehorning Revealed (Photos)

Guillotines, hot irons, bone saws, sharp wires, electric dehorners … what do all these things have in common? They are all used in the production of milk products! Confused? …

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Foodie Fridays: Gobhi Samosas

This popular Indian appetizer would make a great addition to your next dinner party. Try this quick and easy recipe, and complement it with a freshly tossed tofu salad. …

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The Fish That Changed Me

When I was about 12 years old, I made the connection between animals (whom I loved) and the meat on my plate (which I also loved). It didn’t take …

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