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Save $$! Grow Your Own Veggies!

Eating fresh and delicious fruit and vegetables doesn’t have to be expensive. With a little time and patience, we can grow our favorite veggies at home cheaply and simply—while …

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The Unfortunate Mr. Rat

Little did we expect that after less than half an hour after arriving at Intramuros’ Casa Manila, we’d be confronted with the unfortunate incident of Mr. Rat.

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Healthy Home-Cooked Vegan Meals … for ‘Man’s Best Friend’!

Many vegans would like their animal companions to lead a healthy vegan life, and these days, there are a variety of vegan pet-food brands available at specialty pet stores …

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Book Review: ‘Eating Animals’

After I heard that one of my favorite authors, Jonathan Safran Foer, was straying from his usual fiction to publish a firsthand account of his experience in researching meat …

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Support the End of Canada’s Seal Slaughter

Image © Sea Shepherd Conservation Society Canadian Senator Mac Harb has introduced a historic bill to end Canada’s annual commercial slaughter of baby seals. This piece of legislation acknowledges …

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Kuala Lumpur: A City for Vegans!

On a recent trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, my colleague Claire and I were delighted to discover that there were vegan dishes galore in the capital. KL has a …

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MMA Fighter Garreth McLellan Knocks Out Cruelty!

When South African mixed martial arts fighter Garreth “Soldier Boy” McLellan isn’t ground ‘n’ pounding his latest opponent in the cage, he’s keen to speak out against dogfighting. His …

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Which Star From The Artist Was Adopted?

Ten years before garnering international accolades for his performance in The Artist, canine film star Uggie was a rambunctious puppy who was passed off by three different guardians who …

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MMA Fighter Richard Quan Talks Ink, Not Mink!

With a record of seven fights for seven wins, this South African mixed martial arts athlete knows what he’s getting himself into when he steps into the cage.

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South African Mixed Martial Artist Norman ‘Chef’ Wessels Fights for Animals

As you would expect from the former heavyweight champion of South Africa’s biggest mixed martial arts (MMA) competition, the Extreme Fighting Championship, Norman “Chef” Wessels pushes himself hard to …

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