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Book Review: ‘Hellsucks’ by Noel Sweeney

Hellsucks is a moving story about a young female lawyer named Zowie “Zogger” Darrow and her determination to bring to justice three men who set fire to and murder a …

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Foodie Friday: Pestle and Mortar, Cairo

Pestle and Mortar describes itself as a restaurant at which vegetarians and vegans can indulge themselves in a fine-dining atmosphere, and the description couldn’t be more accurate. A selection …

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Appalling Animal Attractions, Part 5: Bangkok’s Department Store Zoo

The Pata Zoo, located in Bangkok’s Pata department store, houses 200 animals in an area that’s only 800 square meters. Need more reasons to boycott this zoo?

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Share Your New Year’s Luck With Animals

In China, the start of the new year is a time to be shared with your loved ones. But while we humans are lucky enough to decide how to …

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Peaceful Picnicking Protects Our Wildlife

During warm weather, it’s always fun to get together with family and friends and enjoy the great outdoors. No matter where you live, there are bound to be some …

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Connections That Last a Lifetime

In addition to being an animal activist and vegan, I have worked with disabled people for 15 years, and people sometimes ask me if there is a connection between …

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Foodie Friday: Yellow Tomato Soup

While many people opt to buy the reddest tomatoes in the market, few give any time or thought to their yellow twins. Although the taste is somewhat similar, the …

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Food in Review: Loving Hut Indonesia

On a recent trip to Indonesia, a colleague and I ate at Loving Hut three times in three days. While there is a plethora of vegetarian restaurants in Jakarta …

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When Animals Need Rescuing From ‘Rescuers’!

Singapore’s Phyllis Aw has been forced to find new homes for more than 165 animals, as the lease on her current house is set to expire in February 2012. …

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Appalling Animal Attractions, Part 4: Dusit Zoo, Bangkok, Thailand

Dusit Zoo is Thailand’s first public zoo, and even though it was established 60 years ago, it doesn’t appear to have changed much since. The pens are small and …

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