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Update: PETA Teams Up With China to Improve Dogs’ Lives

Following complaints about conditions in China’s Nanjing animal shelter, PETA met with officials, toured the shelter, and suggested improvements.

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A Victory for Animals in the Cu Chi Tunnels!

After a concerned citizen alerted PETA to a squalid roadside menagerie at the entrance to Vietnam’s Cu Chi Tunnels, PETA investigated and found animals living in horrific conditions.

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PETA Asia Takes Shocking Exhibit to Chinese Colleges

PETA Asia has just launched a groundbreaking new exhibit, the first of its kind in China, to educate students on the plight of animals in circuses.

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Pamela Anderson Makes Plea for Kidnapped Baby Elephants

With fragile baby elephants held captive in Zimbabwe to be sold to the UAE and China, Pamela Anderson pleaded with authorities for the animals’ release.

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Government Orders Department Store Zoo to Move Gorilla

The animals at the Pata Zoo endure misery every day, so if the reports that some animals are being moved are true, it will be a day to celebrate.

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Sam Simon: A True Hero for Animals

The animals have lost a true ally and a sharp and honest tongue with the passing of PETA US Honorary Director and entertainment giant Sam Simon.

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A Shocking Look Inside Chinese Fur Farms

When undercover investigators made their way onto Chinese fur farms, they found that many animals are still alive when workers flip them or hang them to skin them.

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P!nk Would ‘Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur’

One of the most talented, hard-working entertainers on the planet also happens to be a true friend to animals. P!nk is known for being super-comfortable in her own skin – so …

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The Environmental Cost of Australian Live Export

Australian live export has seldom been out of the public eye in recent years, with footage of cattle mistreatment in Indonesia, sheep abuse in Turkey, and the recent tragedy …

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PETA’s Herd Of ‘Animals’ Greets Pope Francis

Among the millions of supporters gathered to celebrate Pope Francis’ arrival in the Philippines were a “seal,” a “kangaroo,” a “cow,” an “elephant”. Why were the animals rushing to welcome the …

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