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Helpless Donkey Mauled to Death by Tigers at China Zoo

You won’t believe what caused this death.

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Singapore Airlines Takes a Stand Against Wildlife Trafficking

Airlines that enforce a complete ban on the importation & exportation of wild animals & their body parts have the single-greatest positive impact on all forms of exotic-animal trafficking.

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10 Videos That Prove Kids Know Animals Are Friends, Not Food

Kids know best: Animals are friends, not food! What these kids say about animals is seriously inspiring people.

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Germany Says Goodbye to Fur Farming

The global fur trade continues to decline as Germany passes a bill that will shut down its six remaining fur farms!

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Video: Cricketer Jason Gillespie Says There’s Nothing ‘Macho’ About Eating Meat

In a new video for PETA, Australian cricketer shares his thoughts on the rise of the “meat-free athlete” & why he stays away from meat, eggs, & dairy foods.

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10 Cute Pics of Mom Animals

Human moms aren’t the only mothers hard at work each day. Every living creature has a mother, and each one cares for her young.

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WATCH: If It Were the Other Way Around …

How would you feel if cows treated humans the way that humans treat cows in the dairy industry?

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PHOTOS: PETA’s Retrospective of Naked Ads for Fashion Week

PETA’s exhibit featured the hottest celebrities from its sexy “Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” ad campaigns.

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A First in Asia: Taiwan Bans Eating Cat and Dog Meat

Taiwan is making headlines after a decision to outlaw the consumption of cat and dog meat, a first in Asia.

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Elephant in Captivity Kills Zoo Trainer

Rari, a 40-year-old female elephant held captive at Adventure World in Japan, has been imprisoned at the park since it opened in 1978—nearly all her life.

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