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Monthly Activism Tip: Sign ‘Em Up!

One of the easiest things that you can do to help PETA help animals is to collect signups, which enable us to grow. Everyone who signs up will get …

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Top 10 Tuesday: The PETA Team’s Vegetarian Epiphanies!

This week, we’re sharing 10 of our team’s “suddenly it hit me” stories about the moment they decided to adopt a vegetarian diet! Agnes: I once saw a photo …

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Taipei Cops Win Acclaim as Asia’s Most Humane Law-Enforcement Unit

We’re pleased to announce that the Taipei City Police Department (TCPD) has just been given the 2010 Proggy Award for International Leadership in the Field of Humane Law Enforcement! …

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PETA’s Celeb Supporters Rock the Red Carpet!

May 2016 update: PETA U.S. and its affiliates now have over 5 million members and supporters. It’s official: Life begins at 30! People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals …

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New Animal Rights Law Book Paints Clear Picture for Aussies and Kiwis

Great news for those living in Australia and New Zealand: A new book that describes the various existing animal rights laws in both countries has just been published! For …

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Australian Medical Research Institute Shuns Vivisection

Awesome news: We just found out that Lighthouse Laboratories, a Western Australian–based institute, has had a long-standing policy of forbidding animal experimentation! This plucky nonprofit has been paving the …

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Top 10 Tuesdays: Dumbest Excuses for Wearing Fur

After years of approaching fur-wearers to ask them to think about the animals they’re wearing, I’ve heard just about every excuse in the book. Here’s a batch of the …

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Animal Abuser Moves on to Human Victim

A recent news story about a Singaporean animal abuser who was charged with savagely beating another human being certainly came as no surprise to us! As police reports and …

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Chefs Perfect the Recipe for Compassion

I love to eat out in every city I travel to, but I make a point of avoiding restaurants that serve delicacies of despair like foie gras. Much to …

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10 Reasons Not to Eat Pigs

Here are our top 10 reasons to keep pork off your fork and put delicious Babe-free alternatives on your shopping list instead.

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