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Many Hands (and Voices) Make Light Work

This widely used expression is as true today as it was centuries ago. When there are lots of people helping to get something done, they will achieve more and …

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Bowerbirds—Nature’s Interior Designers

There are countless displays and rituals to be seen in the natural behavior of animals around the world. But when it comes to a flair for design and attention …

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Monkey Mayhem at Monkey Mountain in Thailand

During a recent visit to Thailand, I wanted to see some of the country’s beautiful animals but didn’t want to contribute to any animal exploitation (which is rife in …

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Busted in Buenos Aires—Animal Smuggler Gets Nabbed

A Czech man named Karel Abelovsky got busted at a Buenos Aires airport trying to smuggle a whopping 247 animals onto a plane headed for Madrid. As Abelovsky attempted …

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Amazing Animal Moms

There are many wonderful displays of devotion in the animal world. But surely one of the most compelling is the love and devotion many animals show their young. When …

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Protest Roundup: Manila Goes Bananas, Bangkok Goes Green, and Activists Get Cagey in Hong Kong

Staunch PETA supporter Nadia Chalabi donated her vacation time to help lead a series of captivating protests in Southeast Asia. First, PETA’s vegetarian appeel on the Manila Bay boardwalk …

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Foodie Fridays: Minestrone Soup

This home-style soup is the perfect comfort food for a chilly night. It keeps well in the fridge for a few days, so you can make a big pot …

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Love Me, Love My Veganism

For many people, the decision to go vegan is a life-changing one in many ways, and it becomes a part of who we are as well as how we …

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Everyone Can Make a Difference!

When I first became aware of the shocking, and often legal, abuse that animals suffer at the hands of humans, I was horrified. I didn’t just want to—but knew …

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Top 10 Tuesday: Silliest Stunts That I’ve Done for Animals

We’re not exactly working with a million-dollar advertising budget here at PETA Asia-Pacific, so when it comes to spreading the word about animal abuse, we have to rely on …

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