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PETA’s Circus Investigation Is Causing a Stir in China

PETA’s investigation that exposed animal abuse at circuses in China is reaching millions of people nationwide—and the government is listening.

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Victory! Seiyo, Japan, Abolishes Pig Rodeos

The city of Seiyo’s annual pig rodeo has now come to a permanent end.

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Caught on Camera: Two Geese Share Last Kiss

What happened next will break your heart.

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Animals Aren’t ‘Freight’: 9 Ways You Can Help Them

No rest, no relief, and no escape. Live-animal transport is a trip from hell.

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Animal Rights Movement Goes ‘One Step Further’ in This Video

A new video featuring music by Moby shows us that the animal rights movement is just as powerful as movements for racial and gender equality.

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Another Safari Park Death—This Time in Japan

How many deaths have to occur before zoos get the message that animals don’t belong in captivity?

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Video: Frog Dismembered and Eaten While Still Alive in Japan

In a sickening viral video that has recently resurfaced, a helpless frog stares into the eyes of his abuser as she slowly picks him apart and eats him alive.

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A Day in the Life of a Bear Cub in the Chinese Circus Industry

Deprived of any comfort, chained to a wall and beaten into performing: This is what life is like for bears in the Chinese circus industry.

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A Zoo in Taiwan Literally Scared a Giraffe to Death

This was not an accident—it was the consequence of captive breeding.

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This Red Panda Broke Out of Jail Eight Months Ago—Now, He’s Back in Prison After Being Shot

Last December, three red pandas broke out of China’s Hangzhou Zoo. One was on the run for eight months – but why?

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