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Dancing ‘Condoms’ Teach ABCs in Malaysia

A trio of “condoms” turned heads and raised eyebrows on Kuala Lumpur’s Bukit Bintang yesterday. Their point? That the solution to animal overpopulation is as easy as ABC: animal …

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Top 10 Tuesday: Keep Your Animal Companions Out of Cargo Hold

Here are just a few reasons why flying an animal in the cargo compartment can be extremely dangerous—and even fatal.

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Five Simple Ways to Help Animals on Facebook

These days, it seems like everyone and their mother (literally) is on Facebook. That is great news for animals, since Facebook is a powerful tool for reaching out and …

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Answers to Our ‘What Do You Really Know About Sheep?’ Quiz!

Here’s what you’ve been waiting for—the answers to our “What Do You Really Know About Sheep?” Quiz! See how you fared by comparing your answers to the ones below: …

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Extra Pounds = Extra Risk

Think those extra pounds are just a bit more to love? Well, a recent headline suggests the all-too-painful truth that adults who are overweight are, at any given point …

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Take Our ‘What Do You Really Know About Sheep?’ Quiz!

Are sheep just walking wool coats or could they actually be like our friends and family? Or could they maybe even be secret Einsteins? Take our six-question quiz right …

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Be Prepared! Keep Animals Safe During Flooding

I spent a week after hurricane Katrina breaking down doors and getting animals out after people left them behind. The tragedy is that most didn’t survive. Animals were left …

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Prabda Yoon Wants Thailand’’s Cruelty Halted

Thai multi-talent Mr. Prabda—who founded the publishing house Typhoon Books and wrote the award-winning novel Probability and screenplays for two hit movies, Last Life in the Universe and Invisible …

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Aussie Pork Producers to Pull the Plug on Gestation Stalls by 2017!

Whoa! I just heard that Australia’s major pork producers have finally announced that they’ll phase out the use of gestation stalls by 2017! Although we’ve heard promises from the …

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The Crackdown on Cruel Crush Videos

If you think the recent WikiLeaks controversy is crazy, check out these slipped secrets: A purported “insider” from a group of people behind a rash of “crush fetish” videos …

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