Recent News

Arrests Made After Elephant Is Shot 70 Times and Mutilated by Hunters

Malaysian officials arrested six men in the case of an endangered pygmy elephant who had been shot 70 times and whose tusks had been hacked off.

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Cathay Pacific to Serve Vegan Pork on Its Flights

It’s no surprise that more and more travelers are opting for humane, and eco-friendly vegan meals to protect both animals and the environment.

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Frightened Elephant Used for Rides in Sri Lanka Tries to Break Free—and We’re Not Surprised

This incident is another powerful reminder that no elephant—or other animal—should ever be exploited for human entertainment or any other reason.

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Are You Following a Sham Sanctuary on Instagram?

We all love looking at adorable animals on Instagram. But could you be following accounts that are actually harmful to animals? Follow our guide to find out!

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Is the Meat Industry Fueling the Record-Breaking Amazon Rainforest Fires?

Experts say that the Brazilian Amazon fires are the work of humans, either deliberately or by accident. Who profits from the utter destruction?

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PETA India and Local Activists Rescue Seven Camels from Sacrifice

Upon learning that seven camels were about to be sacrificed for Eid al-Adha, PETA India and local supporters sprang into action.

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Going Vegan Is How to Help Solve Climate Change

We can fight climate change-there’s still time. But if we feel that asking humans to go vegan is asking too much, we’ve already lost.

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Viral Photos Are Graphic Reminders Why No One Should Ride Elephants

As these viral photos reveal, elephants are suffering in the tourism industry. Help PETA end elephant rides and other forced interactions around the world.

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Hong Kong: From 23 to 30 October, Save Animals With Your Coffee

Select cafés around Hong Kong are celebrating #NationalCatDay by donating a portion of the proceeds from the sale of coffee drinks to support PETA’s work.

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PETA U.S. Complaint Prompts Canada Goose to Change False, Misleading Marketing

The brand has changed some of its language (pertaining to “ethical” sourcing)—but not much has changed for the coyotes and geese being killed for its garments.

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