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Vegan Cake! Need We Say More?

The highlight of my recent trip to Taiwan came in dessert form. What could be better than the appropriately named Heavenly Cake from Loving Hut in coffee, strawberry, or …

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Raya Mananquil Goes Green

A veteran PETA pal, radio DJ, newspaper columnist, supermodel, and an environmentalist, Raya Mananquil knows the real secret to saving the planet, and it’s just in time for Earth …

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Vegans See It Clearly

A recent study has been released that shows just how good a vegan diet is for you! The study, conducted by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, reviewed the diets …

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Foodie Fridays: Roasted Potatoes Platter

Here’s an inexpensive side dish that’s ideal for parties! 1/2 kg potatoes, peeled and cut in half (Yukon Gold potatoes are best) 7 g olive oil 4 g sea …

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Bali: A Destination for Vegans

Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika has stated that last Sunday, April 3, is to be recognized on the island as World Organic Vegan Day. He also encouraged the Balinese …

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Victory! QGC Pledges to Protect Wildlife

After learning that animals were drowning because they were unable to climb the slippery, plastic-lined banks of Queensland Gas Company (QGC) coal seam gas evaporation ponds, PETA Australia immediately …

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I.D. Tags Can Save Lives

When I was in Japan a few weeks ago, among the heartbreaking things I witnessed were the massive charts that a local animal shelter had set up to list …

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South Africa Speaks Out Against Namibian Seal Slaughter

In honor of the international anti-sealing day, local South African groups Fur Free, Beauty Without Cruelty, and Sea Shepherd united for a star-studded news conference that attracted media in …

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Foodie Fridays: Orange Beets

In my opinion, beets are among the most underrated vegetables out there. (How many of you thought that the beet was a fruit? A common mistake!) Beets are lovely …

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Victory! Sale of Cruel Steel-Jaw Traps Will Soon Be Banned!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to write to Taiwan’s officials in order to urge them to ban the sale of cruel steel-jaw traps, which claim the …

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