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Students and Church Back Presidential Directive to Free Mali

The Most Rev. José S. Palma, archbishop of Cebu and president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, recently spoke out in support of President Benigno Aquino III’s …

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Will Work for Tofu: My China Experience

When the idea of moving to China hit me, the first thing I thought of was tofu! I was excited by the prospect of an ancient history of vegetarian …

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A Year in Review: An Update on Belle

On a recent visit to my hometown, I was able to catch up with Belle and check in on how she had adjusted to her forever home.

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Home Is Where the Herd Is

Article originally written for the Philippine Daily Inquirer. By Carol Buckley When I first met Tina, she was serving a life sentence in solitary confinement at the Greater Vancouver …

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Five Ways to Speak Up for Animals – Never Be Silent

PETA US has created an eye-catching video campaign to remind us that, while “people who exploit animals may not be ready for animal rights … the animals are ready”. …

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How to Be an Effective Armchair Activist for Animals!

So you want to make a difference for animals but don’t feel comfortable hitting the streets and putting yourself on the front line? Then armchair activism might just be …

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The Intern Experience: Olivia Ladinig

I knew for a while that I wanted to devote my life to helping animals, but I had no idea what my options were. I was also rather insecure …

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Give a Little to Get a Lot

There are lots of different ideas about the concept of receiving when you give freely. Believers in karma think that your actions will follow you even into another life. …

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The Animal Activist Handbook, Part 2: Snappy Comebacks

Having covered the basics of remaining calm and being confident while answering questions about animal advocacy and your decision to go vegetarian, we now move on to part two—answering …

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Would You Like Breast Cancer With That?

If breast cancer runs rampant in your family tree, you might want to think twice about eating fast-food—especially grilled chicken. In an October issue of Toxicology, researchers at Imperial …

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