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Lettuce Lady Braves Police Detainment in Jordan

A vegetarian awareness demonstration in Amman was interrupted when PETA’s Jordanian Lettuce Lady was detained by police just minutes after the public-education event started. Even though the proper permit …

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Top 10 Tuesday: Travel Tips!

It’s that time of year again: summer holiday! Whether it’s a trip to the beach or to the country side, why not enjoy the holiday with the whole family? …

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Prison Suit–Clad PETA Members Protest Against Life Sentences for Animals

Dressed in prison suits and chimpanzee masks, PETA members braved the scorching Dubai heat to draw attention to the plight of animals who languish inside the barren and decrepit …

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Chili Chicks Heat Up Cairo

  A pair of PETA’s “Chili Chicks” heated up Cairo with their vegetarian message: Eating meat leads to environmental destruction, cruelty to animals, health risks, and poverty. PETA points …

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Top 10 Tuesday: Veggie Burger Roundup

Restaurants all across the region are realizing that vegans want more than just a salad! Savvy eateries have found a simple and satisfying way to please everyone: veggie burgers! …

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Foodie Friday: Vegetarian Chili with Mixed Beans

When I think about the meals I ate at home as a child, this is one of the dishes that comes to mind. This recipe, which I think my …

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Anti-Fur Message-on-Wheels Rocks Jo’burg

Displaying graphic images of skinned animals and emblazoned with the caption “Here’s the rest of your fur coat,” a trailer, sponsored by Monique Friedland and her family, is cruising …

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Vegetarianism Grows in Kenya

Besides being famous for some of the world’s fastest runners, spicy seasoned collard greens, extraordinary scenery, and an abundance of rare and amazing wildlife, something else has put Kenya …

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Top 10 Tuesday: Purrr-fect Cat-Care Tips!

Check out these easy ways to make sure that your kitty stays safe and happy: Give them fresh water. You don’t expect Princess to drink out of the toilet …

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Australian Tea Companies Say ‘No!’ to Animal Testing

Several Australian tea companies are proving that they don’t support causing animals to suffer in cruel and pointless animal tests. They’ve signed PETA Australia’s statement of assurance. We know …

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