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China’s Police Academy Takes PETA’s Advice

Once PETA learned that the Guangxi Police Academy officers reportedly killed pigs by strangling them with ropes or even their own hands or by beating, drowning, and suffocating them …

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Calcium–It’s What’s for Dinner (and Dessert and Breakfast)

The following article was written by former PETA US intern Jared Misner. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me how I get my calcium after …

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The Lowdown on the Litterbox

Cats make great companions for many reasons, one of which is that they come with their own pre-trained method for waste disposal. Simply show new cats the litterbox, and …

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PETA’s Crackdown on Cruel “Crush” Videos

After a year-long investigation by PETA Asia and the Philippines’ National Bureau of Investigations, police have now charged a Philippine couple with cruelty to animals and other crimes related …

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Top 10 Tuesdays: 10 Ways to Help Animals

Animals have no voices and depend on us to stand up and take action in their behalf. Whether you’re just learning about animal rights and are looking for tips …

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PETA Ad Hits the Big Screen

PETA Asia has just launched our newest public service announcement (PSA) in the Philippines, and it has hit the big screen! The PSA—which features legendary leaders and personalities from …

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Meet Grace

This is Grace, a gentle Doberman who was rescued by PETA in Cavite, Philippines. When I first heard about Grace, she was chained to a pole in the garage …

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Hong Kong Residents Consume Flame-Retardant Fish

A new study carried out by Hong Kong Baptist University revealed that Hong Kong residents consume more polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)—the same chemical that’s used to make furniture and …

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10 More Reasons the Manila Zoo Should Close

Animals at the Manila Zoo are housed in small barren cages that can’t compare to their natural habitats. Many exhibit neurotic behavior, such as constantly pacing, swaying their heads, …

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Who Was Stalking Kevin Rudd in Jakarta?

PETA Australia’s “cow,” that’s who! As Australian foreign affairs minister Kevin Rudd arrived at a meeting with Indonesian officials in Jakarta last week, PETA Australia’s bovine activist was there …

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