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Why Did This ‘Chicken’ Protest Outside the Olympics HQ in Tokyo?

PETA revealed rampant abuse of chickens on a farm belonging to ISE Foods, Japan’s largest egg producer, which is certified to sell eggs at the Tokyo Olympics.

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Happy Birthday, Maggie Q! Check Out the Star’s Stunning PETA Ads

World-renowned actor and PETA supporter Maggie Q is celebrating her birthday on May 22, so we’re bringing back our favorite collaborations with the star to honor her!

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PETA Celebrates Valentino’s Farewell to Fur

After more than a decade of campaigning by PETA and our international affiliates, Valentino has announced that it will go fur-free.

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Man Killed While Trying to Feed Elephant at a Thai Tourist Trap

It’s not just rides that need to end—you shouldn’t interact with elephants at all.

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CAPTCHA Test: Are You a Human With a Heart?

Have you tried the most visually arresting CAPTCHA test yet?

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Dear Miss Universe Thailand: Show Compassion to Betta Fish!

After hearing that Miss Universe Thailand, Amanda Obdam, will wear a betta fish-inspired costume at the Miss Universe pageant, PETA informed her that betta fish suffer in Thailand.

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PETA Rescues Odd the Monkey From Thailand’s Abusive Coconut Industry

Thanks to PETA, Odd the monkey can finally enjoy a normal life—away from Thailand’s cruel coconut industry!

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Progress! South Africa to Stop Breeding Lions for Hunting and Cub Petting

South Africa has announced plans to stop breeding lions for hunting and cub petting. However, the hunting of lions raised in their natural habitat will still be permitted.

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Why Eating Meat Is Killing Koalas

Australia is one of the world’s worst deforestation hotspots, largely because of land cleared for animals who are then exported to the Middle East for meat.

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Huge PETA Win! Taiwan Ends Drowning, Electroshock Tests on Animals

Horrific drowning and electroshock tests on countless animals will no longer be conducted in Taiwan by companies wanting to make anti-fatigue marketing claims.

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