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Water Buffaloes Tied to Poles and Beaten for Mozzarella Cheese

This footage will make you swear off cheese for good, if you haven’t already.

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Disturbing Photo Shows Elephant Hacked Apart With Chainsaws by Hunters

A drone camera has captured a disturbing image of the hunting crisis: Lying dead on the ground in Botswana is an elephant cut apart for ivory by hunters’ chainsaws.

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Viral Pic Shows Beluga Whales in Tank Barely Bigger Than Their Bodies

If Sun Asia Ocean World’s history of abusing beluga whales tells us anything, it’s that this park has no idea how to care for animals.

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On August 8, Your Soy Latte Can Help Dogs and Cats

To celebrate #InternationalCatDay, cafés around Metro Manila and Hong Kong are donating proceeds from the sale of vegan coffee drinks to PETA’s spay/neuter program.

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PETA’s Work to Improve Animal Welfare in the Middle East

Find out what PETA is doing to help sheep, dogs, goats, donkeys, and more in the Middle East.

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Harry Potter Knitwear Firm Bans Cashmere Following PETA’s Investigation

The original supplier of the Hogwarts uniforms worn in the Harry Potter movie series has just banned cashmere from its Hogwarts merchandise and other products.

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PETA Is Just As Excited As You Are for Disney’s ‘Lion King’ Remake

“The Lion King” remake creates a stunning animal kingdom—without using a single live animal.

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Abused Elephant Used in Movie ‘Saving Flora’

PETA condemns film company FJ Productions for its use of a live elephant in the movie Saving Flora, which is now showing in cinemas in the Philippines. Vow 2 …

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Brands Are Banning Cashmere After PETA’s Shocking Video Exposé

PETA has been celebrating missions accomplished as designers turn their backs on angora, mohair, and fur following our exposés. Now we’re taking on cashmere.

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PETA Founder ‘Unleashed’ in New Music Video

iAmAnimal’s breath-taking “Unleash” music video features PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk, along with other prominent figures who promote compassion.

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