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Don’t Let Your Masks Harm Animals! How to Dispose of Them Responsibly

We can all do our part by taking a little extra care to make sure our masks don’t hurt fellow animals!

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Denmark to Kill 17 Million Minks After Coronavirus Mutation Spreads to Humans

At least 12 humans have tested positive for a coronavirus mutation linked to Denmark’s mink-fur farms—farms PETA predicted could cause the next pandemic.

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Zookeeper Mauled to Death by Bears at Zoo in China

How many more people have to be hurt or killed before we accept that wild animals don’t belong in captivity?

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‘We Are Not Cargo’: Sheep in South Africa Speak Out Against Live Export

PETA has placed new anti–live export billboards across South Africa—including near the country’s livestock export harbor.

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Watch: Bear in China Snaps at Handler Mid-Circus, Is Beaten With a Shovel

It’s not shocking that a bear would lash out after being beaten, and it’s appalling that animals are still being exploited and abused for entertainment in 2020.

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5,000 Dogs, Other Animals Found Dead in Shipping Boxes—Pet Trade Likely to Blame

A shipping company transported thousands of dogs and other animals in cardboard boxes, as if they were inanimate objects. Now at least 5,000 are dead.

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Mink Farms, Dolphin Captivity and Wild Animal Circuses Will be Shut Down in France

Thanks to activists like you, France has just ushered in a new compassionate era for animals!

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IKEA Japan’s New Vegan Menu With Katsu Curry Just Won a PETA Award

IKEA Japan has just added exciting new vegan options to its restaurant menus.

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Stella McCartney Gifts Beautiful Faux-Fur Coat to Sophia Loren

A special birthday gift from Stella McCartney’s new collection is on its way to screen icon Sophia Loren for her birthday.

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Hey, Singapore Airlines—This Is the Easiest Way to Help Offset Carbon Emissions on Your ‘Flights to Nowhere’

Find out what PETA is asking Singapore Airlines to do in order to help offset carbon emissions on their “flights to nowhere”.

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