Recent News

Prancing Condoms Teach Pedestrians Their ABCs; Activists Protesting KFC Arrested in Syria

The past month’s demos for PETA Asia have been a bit … rubbery! Donning brand-spanking-new condom outfits, PETA activists recently held demonstrations in Bangkok and Beirut reminding responsible animal …

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Don’t Get Taken for a Ride

When a friend from Russia visited me in Manila, we decided to walk around for a bit of sightseeing. What was supposed to be a fun way to see …

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Jada Pinkett Smith Rescues Dog From Beijing Streets

When it comes to animals, Jada Pinkett Smith has a heart that’s as big as her incandescent smile. PETA Asia recently found out that the HawthoRNe star came to …

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Top 10 Tuesday: 10 Ways to Say ‘I’m a Vegetarian!’

Just in time for your summer vacation, we have compiled 10 ways that you and your friends can spread the vegan love! Whether you’re checking out the Great Wall …

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Aussie Models Strut Their Stuff for Canadian Seals

These hotties from Chic Model Management have joined a wide range of celebs—including Perez Hilton, the members of Animal Collective, and Kelly Osbourne—in donating their time to don this …

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Meat-Eating Linked to Depression

According to a new study recently published by Nutrition Journal, vegetarians are less likely to suffer from depression. In the study, which tested people with meat-based diets alongside vegetarians, …

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PETRONAS Pledges Against Foie Gras

Your may have heard that the gorgeous and lovely Miss World Malaysia Thanuja Ananthan recently wrote to Malaysia’s Petronas asking it to drop foie gras from its events. Well, …

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Top 10 Tuesday: Travel Must-Haves

We gave you our top 10 travel tips last week, so this week, we got together and compiled our list of must-haves that you and your animal companion should …

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Sportswear Mogul Turns Vigilante for Animal Rights!

Frustrated by the lack of regulation of animals languishing on factory farms, the founder of the Kathmandu outdoor clothing retail chain has decided that enough’s enough! Plunging $5 million …

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‘Mutant’ Cows Suffer More

As if having to suffer through the cruelty of factory farming wasn’t enough, according to recent reports, genetically modified cows in a New Zealand experiment died last year when …

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