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Fendi Strikes Fury With Furry Fashion Show

Most everyone knows that fur is worn by beautiful animals and ugly people, but clearly this news hasn’t reached fur-monger Fendi yet. The fashion label got into a hairy …

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Foodie Fridays: Braised Baby Bok Choy

Everyone needs leafy greens in their diet, and when they’re cooked this way, they’re sure to satisfy your taste buds. A great side to many a dish, this one …

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An Update on Belle — Living It Up in Canada

A quick update on Belle, the dog who was abandoned following the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan and who later found a new home in Canada.

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Emily Barclay Gets Exclusive With PETA

OK, it’s official: Emily Barclay is our favorite Kiwi actor ever. Why do we “heart” this up-and-coming award-winning actor so much? Well, let’s see: She was mesmerizing in the …

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Convicted! Cat Killer Pleads Guilty to Cruelty-to-Animals Charges

In a landmark trial, a student from the University of the Philippines pleaded guilty to cruelty-to-animals under Republic Act 8485 (Animal Welfare Act of 1998) for killing a kitten …

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Help Animals on Twitter Now!

If you’re looking to make a big impact for animals today, look no further than your tweets! Twitter’s been used as a powerful way to spread information, communicate with …

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Fukushima Farmed Animals Get Help

The Japanese Cabinet officially announced that the prime minister has ordered the Fukushima governor to euthanize all the farmed animals in the 20 km “no-go” zone.

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Jan Cameron Doing It for Animals Again!

Jan Cameron is a favorite over here at PETA Asia-Pacific. We’ve blogged about her and the great work that she’s done for animals before. Now she’s at it again! …

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Fighting Isn’t Fun for Roosters!

Recently in the U.S., a man died after receiving stab wounds from a rooster. Although it may sound ridiculous, the man attached barbs to the back of the rooster’s …

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Horses Weren’t Meant for Jumping!

Horses are magnificent and strong animals. They stand up to 18 hands tall and can weigh more than 1,000 pounds. Yet in many countries, including Australia, these animals are forced …

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