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WHO’s New Live-Animal Market Call to Action: Too Little, Too Late?

WHO has announced it recommends suspending sales of live wild mammals at food markets. Find out why it must to do far more, and now.

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6 Things You’ll Learn From Netflix’s ‘Seaspiracy’

The makers of “Cowspiracy” have returned to expose the fishing industry. Here’s what you’ll learn from “Seaspiracy” and how you can help fish.

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These Brands Shed Exotic Skins After Seeing PETA’s Exposés

Check out this list of brands that have banned exotic skins, from H&M and Nike to Chanel and Victoria’s Secret.

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Victory! Companies Ban Badger-Hair Brushes After Shocking PETA Investigation

PETA’s first eyewitness investigation of its kind reveals how badgers are violently killed for brushes sold around the globe.

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There’s Nothing Entertaining About the Way This Hotel Keeps Polar Bears Captive

Polar bears belong in the Arctic, not in zoos or glass boxes in aquariums—and certainly not in hotels.

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HUGE News! Cosmetics Regulations in China Just Got More Animal-Friendly

The Chinese government just announced that it has created a new pathway for cruelty-free cosmetics in China.

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PETA Honors Thai Navy for Rescuing Cats From Sinking Ship

A Hero to Animals Award is on its way from PETA to the Thai Navy after sailors rescued cats from a burning, sinking ship in the Andaman Sea.

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Why Did This Angry ‘Monkey’ Dump a Pile of Coconuts at the Thai Embassy in Seoul?

Did you know that monkeys in Thailand are forced to pick the coconuts used in many coconut milk products?

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Trophy Hunter Posts Grisly Photos With Giraffe’s Cut-Out Heart

A hunter who killed a giraffe posted selfies to FB showing her posing with the animal’s heart, calling it the “perfect” Valentine’s Day gift.

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Victory! No Animals Beheaded, Eaten Alive in Marine Survival Training

During Cobra Gold, participants were recorded reveling in the ritualistic killing and consumption of animals.

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