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Your Fun Hurts: New Ad Campaign Shows Dark Side of Animal Circuses

This thought-provoking and vibrant ad campaign contrasts the pageantry of a circus with the misery of the animals who are forced to perform in it.

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Mother Dolphin Carries Dead Calf, Refuses to Let Go in Heart-Rending Video

A video of a dolphin grieving for her dead calf—ferrying the body through the ocean—drives PETA’s point home: Animals are just like us.

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Patrons Mock Seemingly Agitated Lion in Lebanese Zoo Enclosure (Viral Video)

Lions should be in the wild, where they can roam with the rest of their pride—not in a depressing cage, laughed at and taunted by humans.

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Post-COVID Travel Alert: Never Support Thailand’s Cruel Elephant Camps

Tourists who pay to ride an elephant or participate in an up close encounter are responsible for ensuring that elephants will suffer.

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PETA’s New Billboards Show That Birds in Cages Are in Permanent Lockdown

Think your lockdown is unpleasant? Imagine how birds forced to spend their entire lives inside a cage feel.

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Animals in Afghanistan

Just like millions of us, many people in Afghanistan value other animals as members of their family, and we care about them all.

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Jollibee Singapore’s Vegan Burger Wins PETA Award

For introducing its new, 100% vegan Spicy Zero Beef Burger, PETA has recognized Jollibee Singapore with a Vegan Great Taste Award!

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Hunter Kills Beloved Lion Outside the Same Park Where Cecil Was Killed

Giving cowardly dentist Walter Palmer a run for his money, a new hunter reportedly killed a well-known lion named Mopane.

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Victory in Taiwan! Lian Hwa Foods Corp. Bans Animal Tests

Lian Hwa Foods Corp.—a popular snack food company based in Taiwan and a major supplier of foods at 7-Eleven stores there—banned animal tests not explicitly required by law.

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Photos: PETA ‘Rat’ Protests Tokyo Olympics Sponsor Ajinomoto Over Horrific Tests on Animals

Ajinomoto not only still conducts horrific tests on animals but also is an official partner of the Tokyo Olympics.

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