Recent News

Hundreds of Monkeys Need The Israeli Prime Minister’s Help

Despite the Israeli government pledging to assist Monkey Rescue for the surviving monkeys from Mazor Farms, they have been left without sufficient funds.

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VICTORY! Domino’s Japan Cancels Plans to Use Reindeer to Deliver Pizza

A big thank you to PETA Asia members and supporters who urged Domino’s Japan to cancel this cruel plan.

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Japanese Ice Rink Horror: 5,000 Fish Frozen into Ice

Space World, a Japanese amusement park, was forced to close a bizarre attraction that featured an ice-skating rink with 5,000 animals frozen into the ice after furious online comments.

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PETA International Science Consortium Funds Research to End Horse Experiments

Every year, thousands of horses, donkeys, and mules are being used as living factories for antitoxin production. Urge the Indian government to close abusive equine facilities.

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Would You Drink ‘Dog’s Milk’? Watch This Clever Prank.

If the thought of drinking dog’s milk makes your stomach turn, why is milk from a cow any different?

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Alicia Silverstone Would Rather Go Naked Than Wear … Wool!

Clueless actor Alicia Silverstone has declared that she’d rather go naked than wear anything made from the coat or skin of any animal, including leather and down.

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Our Work in China is Raising the Roof

The way humans treat animals is changing in China and around the world.

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Little Dog, Beaten for Refusing to Pull Man on Cart, Rescued by PETA in China

After seeing this video, PETA tracks the guy down and rescues his two dogs.

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Amazing Progress! China to Approve First Non-Animal Cosmetics Test

Chinese government officials have stated that they will soon, for the first time ever, be recognizing data from a completely non-animal test method for safety evaluations of cosmetics.

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North Korean Zoo Forces Chimpanzee to Smoke 20 Cigarettes a Day

There is nothing natural about watching a chimpanzee smoke or gawking at other animals behind bars, whether they are forced to perform tricks or not.

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