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Police Raid Spares Birds from Having Their Legs and Wings Slashed

Following a police raid initiated by PETA India, birds will be spared being cut open with sharp strings.

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Sri Lanka’s Shameful Elephant Abuse

Elephants used in Sri Lanka’s tragic tourist trade often spend their entire lives in chains, alone, forced to give rides day after day.

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Zoo Reportedly Paints Donkeys as Zebras, Proving It Has No Respect for Animals

Paint is literally melting off this donkey’s face, yet zoo proprietors are still sticking to their “zebra” story. Pathetic.

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Burberry Is Setting Fire to Items That Cost Animals Their Lives

Perhaps if Burberry eliminated cruelly obtained animal skins from its designs, there wouldn’t be over 40 million kilos of unsold merchandise to burn.

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WATCH: Natalie Portman Wants Everyone to Treat Animals With Kindness

The vegan Oscar winner pays tribute to author and animal rights visionary Isaac Bashevis Singer in a powerful new video.

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After a PETA Exposé of Animal Abuse in Petra, a Saudi Prince Steps In to Help

Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed is taking a historic step in Petra to protect animals at the ancient tourist site.

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Watch: Octopus Stabbed and Eaten ALIVE

Could you imagine being stabbed, burned, cut up and eaten alive?

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Lions Leave Behind Only Bloody Bits of Rhino Poachers

Three poachers were reportedly mauled to death by a pride of lions after sneaking onto a nature reserve in South Africa to kill rhinos for their horns.

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Russia Wants to Capture Wild Orcas, and Pamela Anderson Isn’t Having It

Pamela Anderson is calling on the Russian president to cancel the country’s cruel plan to abduct marine mammals and sell them to marine parks.

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Beautiful Peacock Is Latest to Die for People’s Selfies With Animals

How many more animals must die for a few “likes” on social media?

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