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Chimpanzee Forced to Ride Bike, Spray Sanitizer at Thai Zoo

This Thai zoo forced a masked, leashed chimpanzee to ride a bike and spray a “coronavirus sanitizer”.

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Pangolins: The Animals Blamed for COVID-19

Many experts believe that the novel coronavirus originated in a Chinese wet market. There, pangolins were sold for soup.

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Scientists Worldwide Work to Develop COVID-19 Vaccine Using Non-Animal Tests

Given the scale and seriousness of this pandemic, researchers can’t afford to waste time conducting useless tests on animals.

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Philippine Coast Guard Wins PETA Award for Helping Homeless Animals During the COVID-19 Pandemic

An Animal Friend Award is on its way from PETA to the Philippine Coast Guard for feeding and giving water to Manila’s homeless animals during the coronavirus pandemic.

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PETA’s Rescue Team Is Still Helping Animals in Manila Despite Lockdown

Despite the lockdown, PETA’s rescue team in Manila, the Philippines, isn’t letting COVID-19 stop it from helping animals.

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PETA Is Finding Ways Not to Slow Down

Volcano eruptions and tsunamis haven’t stopped us from helping animals in the past. We’re determined not to let the coronavirus pandemic slow us down, either.

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What Is Speciesism?

It’s time to recognize that all sentient beings deserve to be treated with respect and compassion.

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Can Cats and Dogs Carry Coronavirus?

There’s been a lot of speculation whether companion animals can carry coronavirus, but it’s all a myth.

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PETA-Supported Teams are Treating Petra’s Working Animals

The PETA-supported staff at the Petra Veterinary Clinic has treated over 600 working donkeys in Petra! Our veterinary clinic treats donkeys, horses, and other animals who have been injured …

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Taiji Dolphin Slaughter Ends With 740 Victims

When humans stop paying to see depressed dolphins performing stupid tricks, swimming in circles in cramped tanks, or hauling humans around, the slaughter will no longer be profitable.

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